Release note for SKYREAL V1.17 :
Measurement tools
Following many user requests, our VR measurement tools are now much more complete and offer a new tools set, such as:
- Selection helper to easily select edges and tops
- Normal direction select helper to quickly measure face to face surfaces
- X, Y, Z decomposition
Tool Library
Our default tool catalog is now updated with more assets for useful application,In addition, manual tools are smartly and automatically grabbable.
You will also find new tools such as a mirror to explore difficult-to-access locations.
SKYREAL can be executed on immersive displays such as Powerwall and Cave, using NDisplay technology and Unreal Engine 5.
SKYREAL 1.17 enables many useful applications using trackers (Vive, ART, etc.), among which :
- Full body tracking with fast body calibration to automatically map trackers to bones
- Grabbing real object with tracker to simulate handling this real object in virtual world.(See “Link Tracker To Object” feature)
- Mapping fixed real objects (Support, table) to its virtual representation in order to touch it during experience is now possible thanks to Anchor feature. This feature works without trackers.
Spectator view
During VR session, if you want to see a different point of view on your screen than the VR user, you can activate Spectator View. It allows to navigate freely on the scene with the mouse and keyboard while VR is running .
This feature may reduce framerate performance in the VR, and shall be used with caution.
The spectator view can also be attached to a tracker for video production.
SKYREAL V1.17 offers new rendering possibilities :
- SKYREAL now integrates path tracing and ray tracing options with Lumen and highly upgrades renderings.
- You can now choose the resolution for any capture you take into SkyReal up to 8K
- A new menu offers many rendering options to take the best advantage of Unreal Engine 5.2 on your model.
- An outline mode highlights edges to generate engineering rendering.
XR Center/Deck
Our platform dedicated to CAD preparation workflows and XR data sharing has been deployed in several on premise client infrastructures :
XR Center is now combat proven.
- Import/Export Workspace
It is now possible to export and import workspaces between XR Center instances. Exporting workspace, save all data: 3D Lib, Experiences, users, … - CLI
A dedicated CLI allows to manage and monitor XR Center through a shell interface. It enables scheduling and automatises many scripts, for instance PLM integration. - Diagnosis
For administration purposes, a diagnosis interface helps to monitor the full XR Center processes and agents status. - Cybersecurity
XR Center complies with the highest industrial cybersecurity standards for critical infrastructures (protocol and authentication) : it supports SAML V2 and OpenID.XR Center has been approved by our customers cybersecurity departments.
SKYREAL suite is delivered through a complete set of installers helping users during setup.
Unreal Engine 5.2
This new SKYREAL release is based on Unreal Engine 5.2 version and you will need to update it if it’s not already done.
Minor bugs :
High number of minor fixes for a stronger stability